Insurance Industry & Geojet: Case Study

In the past, we have demonstrated our collaborations with banks, retail, telecom, and various other industries. However, in this article, we aim to highlight the potential application of our platform in the insurance sector and its ability to generate new traffic to both online and offline business sites.


As businesses increasingly recognize the significance of incorporating online maps and review services into their marketing strategies, experience of the insurance companies in 2022 sheds light on the challenges they faced without a platform to manage their online presence across various online services. Similarly, our client, who has over 700 locations, also encountered that.

The lack of an appropriate tool resulted in many issues: crucial information, including phone numbers and websites, was missing from numerous company locations, some profiles contained incomplete and inaccurate data, and certain profiles remained unclaimed or were erroneously claimed by different individuals. Moreover, the insurance company discovered that some of their physical store locations needed to be included in the digital landscape.

With a steadfast commitment to digital marketing and elevating the customer experience, the insurance company began looking for a strategic partner in order to manage its local search, online maps, and review services. And that’s how our partnership kicked off marking the inception of a fruitful alliance in the insurance industry.

The Problem

Insurance Company & Geojet set up certain goals:

  • The data completeness across all locations should be >90%. Prior to the start of work, it was only 59%
  • Data accuracy for brick-and-mortar locations should be adjusted accordingly
  • Integrate data from reviews and competitors’ presence into the company’s BI system
  • Analyze the presence of duplicated and fake accounts and remove them

The Solution

Geojet achieved an exceptional level of data accuracy that is reaching 99%. Missing or erroneous information was promptly rectified across various online maps and review services, with particular emphasis placed on platforms such as Google Maps, Yandex Maps, and 2GIS including some insurance-related review services. These actions ensured that over 97% of the insurance company's physical store locations are effortlessly discoverable on online maps and have appropriate information.

Furthermore, an extensive competitive analysis was conducted and integrated via API into the internal BI system. Nowadays, management can check on a daily basis via dashboards not only brick-and-mortar stores and ratings but also Top-5 competitors for each location. Based on that information management is able to make more appropriate business decisions. In addition, it allowed the insurance company to increase the number of communications with clients on online maps and review services and appropriately regulate the capacity of each physical location.

All of that led to:

  • 32% increase from a view to action
  • 400 duplicates have been eliminated
  • 64% increase in the number of locations being present online
  • 100 hours (0,6 FTE) saved by automating local posting

Are you interested in achieving comparable outcomes for your business? Reach out to our team today to explore how our expertise can assist you in accomplishing your goals.